Industrial Applications

Today there is a driven need for new green technologies such as ZT™.  ​​

 ZT™ is highly concentrated and fully water soluble.
 ZT™ is 68% organic and non toxic, or corrosive to most equipment, and existing dies.
 ZT™ can be formed or injected, and roto-molded in powder form
 ZT™ can add elasticity and tensile strengths to add mixes
 ZT™ can be formulated to meet any design mix, environment spec, and condition.
 ZT™ can be used in extreme conditions from extreme Heat to extreme cold.
 ZT ™ can share its molecular attributes with as little as 3% added to a design mix
 ZT™ can add valued added carbon credits and LEED POINTS to finished construction products

Collaboration and Joint Development opportunities are welcomed.  Please if you have a specific project and application where the technical advantages of Zero Thermal can fit your project, feel free to contact us and tell us how we can assist.   

Oceans Technology Group works with clients and companies in joint collaboration to bring about industry solutions in forming alliances to bring about the development, testing, and validation of advanced new hybrid materials and composites.  We offer Lab, Bench, and Field Pilot support along with planned protocols and specific design mixes for collaboration with industry.   

The following areas offer Technical Support and Pilot Programs for:

Advanced Cement and Concrete Additives
Advanced Wood Resins
Advanced Wood Protective Coatings
Advanced Lubricants
Advanced Thermal Plastics, and Hybrid Composites

Advanced FRP and Rapid Infrastructure Monolithic Repair Mortars
Advanced ThermaSet Resins, and Polymers
Advanced Social Housing
Advanced Wind and Solar Energy Composites

& More... 

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